A friend just called and asked if I wanted to come by for Thanksgiving Dinner Thursday. I think it's nice when people reach out like that with a kindness...."What time?" "Oh, in the afternoon after late Mass." "Mass...where you take the Eucharist?". "Yes, and thank God for our blessings".
"Yes, but I mean...is that the ceremony at which a wheat thin and spoon of wine LITERALLY turn to the flesh and blood of Jesus as it goes down?" "Welll...some people don't believe it, but yes, that is a tenet of the Catholic faith and I believe it".
"So...do you ever wonder what bit you are getting?"
... "Well, I mean don't you ever wonder if you just ate Jesus' eyeball or sphincter or some....""WHAT?!?!?""Or maybe your church just serves the better cuts. Prime rib, Some meat off the arm, pectorals. Anyway, how can you eat your Savior and them go home and tank down turkey? I'm almost sure there is something seriously wrong with that....Was Jeffrey Dahmer a Catholic?"Hello? Hello? Dang, Verizon must have dropped the call again. What ARE people thinking while they are
are gobbling down Jesus' flesh and blood. Don't you care if you are getting a good chunk of meat or a hemorrhoid? If it were me, I'd like to know so I could trade places in line with some oblivious fool who probably always ends up with a toenail clipping.While your family and friends are all thanking God for your bounty on Thursday, remember that wherever you are in this great country, someone got killed for the land you are on, something got killed so you can eat it and Jesus is going to kill you, too. He has killed everything that ever lived. Make sure you are properly appreciative. Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water
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