Where did everyone's brain go?
How is setting your nuts on fire an act of terrorism? The world is beginning to suspect these things are going to happen and people are responding by buying firearms. The REAL terrorists are the people at the TSA counter who make me feel like I am checking into prison whenever I fly somewhere. The REAL terrorists are those in the government who try to disarm the citizenry so we cannot defend ourselves from 'terrorists'. As we can all see, and has been apparent from day one, the government is merely putting on a show. They can't stop terrorism, EVEN IF THEY KNOW YEARS IN ADVANCE WHO THE TERRORISTS ARE! Because it's not 'politically correct'. It's 'profiling'. It's BULLSHIT! If someone is on a list of known terrorists, and I don't mean the million Americans who are on no-fly lists for absolutely no reason, or the hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who can't own a firearm BECAUSE THEY ARE COMBAT VETERANS....I mean some damn Muslim jihadist or a cop-killer who was paroled just so he could do it again and the government allowed it, who is the terrorist? Listen. You want to stop terrorism on airplanes? Give every police officer or trained military person a Taser when they board. We probably have something better in our check luggage. Just let us carry it on board if you don't like Tasers. Or give us a fire extinguisher. The first person who starts acting out or sets their nuts on fire will become a non-issue within seconds. I'm not being terrorized by these radical shitballs. I am being terrorised by MY OWN GOVERNMENT who thinks it's fine to eavesdrop without a warrant, to read my mail, and to disarm me so I can't defend myself against them. MY GOVERNMENT is the terrorist here. Do you know why the government keeps trying to enforce a completely unconstitutional gun ban in D.C.? Because the American Mafia is headquartered there. They are called the Congress, but I have NEVER seen anyone vote for a bill which is better for the citizens than is is for some lobbyist's backer. DC has a phenomenally high crime rate among the citizenry but the criminals don't care. They have free, armed bodyguards. Oh, please Uncle Sam, may I have a job? May I keep the house I worked all my life for? May I have the same level of hospital care that the invaders from other countries get? "Undocumented aliens"?!?!?!?! No. They are an army of invaders. We COULD stop them, but we are two worried that someone might have a marijuana plant in their yard. We COULD stop nutcakes. like those two columbine idiots or just about EVERY OTHER CRIMINAL ACT if we allowed our citizens to defend themselves. What the hell is wrong with people lately? The conservatives say I can have a firearm but I have to go to church and gay people can't have any rights. If someone rapes my daughter she can't have an abortion. The liverals say I can't defend myself in my own gome (or anywhere else) because several thousand people a year are killed with firearms....OK. but about a MILLION a year are killed in hospitals by simple medical mistakes or infections they got IN THE HOSPITAL and that many more die of obesity and tobacco use and traffic accidents. About a thousand to one and they are all hung up on the one. (1) Get out of my personal business, Uncle Sam. Get out of my bedroom. When I start thinking of all the wonderful benefits you provide me, I realize that you screw more things up than you fix and you are owned by Big Business.....except you aren't. You are owned by We The People. We put you there to look out for OUR best interests. When we finally decide you are not doing your job, we are Constitutionally entitled to fire you. It's not an issue between Concervatives and Liberals or Repugnicans and Demoncrats anymore. It has become a right vs wrong issue. You, the lawmakers, are getting it wrong. We The People, can't ignore it anymore. You are ruining OUR lives. (2) Do NOT tell me I cannot protect my own home and family. People who choose to be victims have that right, but they don't have the right to require me to be a victim too.(3) WAKE UP, WAKE UP! You people sitting in Washington eating fine cuisine...you people in the congress, of whom over half are multi-millionaires...You have better stop spraying that orange shit on your faces and get to working for the people who pay your salaries. We are getting good and mad and we aren't going to take it much longer. I am an Oath Keeper. I swore to uphold the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.Dr. Tom
"The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedients, and by parts... the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
~Edmund Burke
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