Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Boolean logic

Don't worry too much about global warming. It will slow down after the human race runs itself extinct denying there is a problem. But the problem isn't global warming or peak oil or the lack of fresh water. Those are merely symptoms. The problem is that we have almost 7 billion hungry mouths on a 3 billion mouth world. The population doubled between '57 and ~'97... in forty years.

In 1955 there was enough oil in the ground and enough fish in the sea and enough clean air to last forever. There was at least one channel of black&white broadcast TV in almost every major city. Every boy got a rifle when he was as tall as the rifle. Life was good. There wasn't much crime at all. You break into someone's house, you get shot. Simple. The only reason the police came was to arrange for the Coroner to remove the body. I never had a key to the house because we never locked the doors.

So now you aren't even safe in your own home. A Brinks security system isn't going to save your dumb ass. While the bored-to-tears Brinks operator is dialing 200 people who accidentally set off their alarms, you have already been raped and murdered. The police aren't going to save you. No one will bother to call them even if they hear you screaming.... See More

The country is getting so kinked that people are beginning to believe it's perfectly natural for a criminal to have a gun....after all, they ARE criminals. But the rest of us can't possibly own a firearm because we aren't criminals. In Boolean logic we call this '0".

Somewhere along the line someone popped too many purple tabs and their thinking got screwed up. And then they started this stupid nonsense that you cannot whip your kid's
ass good when he needs it because whatever he did really wasn't his fault. Society caused it. Give him a little more Ritalin and make sure none of the neighbors has a gun, 'cause if little Johhny breaks into their house to steal mommy's panties and finds it, society will be to blame for whatever he does.

That shit stops here and now. When little Johnny breaks into my house and comes at me with a butcher knife, I'll kill the little bastard in a heartbeat. In Boolean logic this is called "1".

And if I were a good Christian, I'd go over to YOUR house and drag you out in the street to be stoned for not being a responsible parent and doing it yourself. Blaming everyone else is bullshit. Blaming society is crazy. YOU raised that little ass-on-a-stick, not society. The butcher knife didn't take it upon itself to grab little Johnny and make him try to murder me. Thinking it did: logic=0. Realizing it is an inanimate object and little Johnny the problem: logic=1.

See how easy it is? :-)

Posted via email from Thus knowledge flows like water

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